Place Specific Timestamps

Every place has its own rhythms, its particular headliners. Time slows or speeds up depending on routine. Arriving from the city where my own personal signatures of time are bulleted by public transportation alerts, crowds or lack thereof in patterns like flocks of birds, the last rays of light escaping as I cross the bridge home after a day of work. The feeling to rush while on the clock makes large parts of day the dissolve into thin air. Of course there is beauty to be found in the city, but the breaks that Paonia offers are welcome especially the isolation and stillness to drink it all in.

Not a day has gone by in Paonia wherein I haven't exclaimed to anyone in my company to- Look!

You don't have to go far, the two minute errand into town from the studio nearly does you in. The mountains sit in full view and the sky stays always a breathtaking blue. At night the stars are dizzyingly clear, the moon hangs large. There is usually something unique to see in the mix. You can count that the days and nights will be just as beautiful as before. At 5 I make a point to look out at the sunset-it is always a radiant blaze. It is comforting to see, the continuity within nature here especially as our world seems like it will go out like a matchstick at anytime. These points in the day where time slows into a further quiet.

If I had another month here I think I would spend more time just watching..


