Ray Wilson - Elsewhere Resident September 2013

Elsewhere Studios is a magical hub for people in almost any stage of development. I’m 28, have a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, 7 years of work experience (corporate), and am an energy intuitive. I quit my job in April 2013 unsure of what to do with my life. I was certain that the corporate world wasn’t for me, and that my life purpose wasn’t working for someone else. However, I didn’t know what that looked like or how I was going to go there.

 Elsewhere gave me an opportunity to find my path and expand it. I’ve always been interested in film and recently found a passion for rock-hunting to make macramé pendants with. Moreover, I was also giving Reiki sessions and readings to people and was unsure how all of this would combine into me. Being a public psychic was not something I was ready to do, and Elsewhere helped me step into my power comfortably.

 Not claiming that it was easy to find myself, but that the space and support at Elsewhere Studios enhanced my ability to find myself. I inevitably would have stepped into my power, but most likely would have taken longer. At Elsewhere the director Willow and manager Karen go out of their ways to ensure that you have everything you need during your stay. Furthermore, the community enhanced my stay at Elsewhere because there are scheduled events to share your art (in whatever form your art takes), and people are open to experience your art without judgments.

 While I was at Elsewhere, I was able to put my hands in art and become familiar with multiple art mediums. Discovering how I want to express myself, which is invaluable. Elsewhere’s space provided a beautiful place to teach Reiki; I attuned 8 individuals to Reiki Master during my stay.

 With all this said, Elsewhere Studios provides a safe fun environment to express you. In any form you choose appropriate, and enables you to change directions if so you choose. The town of Paonia is rich with experiences that will help define you forever.

 Staying at Elsewhere was monumental for my transition. Yes, my transformation would have happened regardless of being at Elsewhere. However, we get to steer our 3D experience and by attending Elsewhere’s residency program it will launch YOU to another level; that level is up to you.

 I choose to step into myself and confidently share with the world who I am without fear of what others think. Elsewhere helped me find that confidence.

 Welcome 2014! May 2014 be full of #awesomeness for you.